Who Is Dave Dinkel?

Transactional Funding Lenders Are Not All Equal!

Dave Dinkel has been a real estate investor since 1975, for over 47+ years. So he really understands the need for transactional funds to do double closings.

Your purchase and sale transaction stands on its own – no credit required, no money required, and bankruptcy is not a problem.

Dave Dinkel has committed himself to helping others become successful investors. Dave and his wife Nancy have been married for 58+ years and Dave is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.

Dave helps new and seasoned investors through his real estate investing courses, programs and mentoring and is always active in doing deals locally. Many transactional funding lenders do not take the time to help the borrower understand the transactional funding process.

To further help investors who need funding for their A – B legs of double closings, Dave is partnering with closing agents and attorneys throughout the United States to make a list of Investor-Friendly Transactional Funding Lenders available to as many investors as possible. Transactional funding lenders are not all the same and we have changed the industry on transactional funding costs.

For additional information on real estate investing go to www.DaveDinkel.com.

Dave has been called the “Mentor of Mentors” and his reputation has always been his personal guarantee.

Contact Dave directly at (954) 274-1003 or email him at DaveDinkel@gmail.com.

Our company’s mission is to provide transactional funding currently in the State of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi and Texas to real estate investors so they can complete purchases and sales (double closings) with little or no money of their own.

Further, our Mission is to help local communities by allowing investors to find and wholesale properties that will become rehab projects for other investors – completing the “Neighborhood Renewal” process so important to communities.

Our continued success depends on relationships with our clients. While it is relatively simple to evaluate a transaction that will be funded, the relationship between the investors, the closing agent, the original seller and the investor’s end-buyer are all critical working parts.
The real estate funding industry has long been known for charging excessive amounts for supplying funds to investors. There is a combined “take it or leave it” attitude by many lenders who feel justified by the investor not having money – “some profit is better than none” is their excuse to borrowers.

In addition to points and interest charged by lenders, investors have historically been forced to pay so called “Junk Fees” that can be in excess of the loan’s origination points. These include, but are not limited to Inspection Fee, Document Prep Fee, Loan Package Review, Processor Handling, and numerous fees that are camouflaged by creative names. Our corporate policy is to charge no junk fees what-so-ever. We also charge what we can determine to be the lowest fees in the industry despite what other lenders advertise.

We suggest that you research other lenders and their sites to compare what they have to offer with what we deliver to our clients. We do this because we know we have no serious competition in the industry. We currently do fundings in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Texas but this could change in the future. We do not do hard money loans but may be able to refer you to lenders we have worked with in the past.

We have been in the real estate investing industry since 1975, over 44+ years. Our reputation is of the up most importance because when all is said and done, real estate investors are a small community and unethical or negative dealings will follow investors. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards.
We do not discriminate by race, color, sex, sexual orientation or creed. We do not pull credit reports to qualify an investor for funding. Bankruptcy is not an issue for our lending criteria. We do reserve the right to refuse any transaction, for any reason, we deem appropriate for financial reasons not pertaining to the above discrimination.

Our criteria for lending is that all the “players” involved and the “audit trail” of the transactions be fully disclosed to us prior to the transactions (double closing). This includes, but is not be limited to, total access to the closing agent and full disclosure of the original contracts and closing statements or HUD Statements. Also needed is complete contact information for the investor including home address if different from his mailing address. The most important criteria is that the end-buyer MUST have wired funds in the closing agent’s escrow account PRIOR to our funding the first “leg” of the transaction (A – B leg). End-buyer funding cannot be in the form of a cashier’s check or money order, direct deposits or AHC wired funds are not acceptable, only wired and cleared funds in the closing agent’s account.

We reserve the right to refuse funding to any investor at any time in the funding cycle. While the actual reason for not allowing or stopping the funding of a specific deal could vary greatly, we do not have to disclose the reason or cause and this “denial action” is designed to protect us and the investor. An investor expecting funding from us should be aware of this potential issue as he will have to find other funds to complete his deal and another funding source may not be readily available which could cause him a substantial loss of a profit.

As a funding source, we have 100% of our funds at risk while the investor has no substantial out-of-pocket funds at risk for the transaction and we have to be constantly concerned about fraudulent sellers, investors, closing agents and end-buyers. An additional issue can be that the transactional funding is delayed on the B – C closing which is no longer a same-day closing. This becomes an “extended” funding which essentially becomes a hard money loan with its requirements that dramatically exceed our transactional funding requirements. We do not provide this service.

We offer our clients both trust and respect and have an expectation that they will return these professional standards in our transactions. Occasionally, a client will have an expectation that he is doing us a favor using our services and we understand that and agree to an extent. However, if a client is disrespectful to any member of our staff we immediately reserve the right to not complete a transaction or do no further business with that client.

We are accountable to our clients and need that same accountability from our clients to make transactions completed smoothly. We have had investors get ready for closing and all the “parts” were in place and ready to be closed. Suddenly, the investor can’t be contacted and the closing agent doesn’t return calls. Obviously, something has gone wrong and usually it’s the seller who doesn’t come to closing or the end-buyer defaults, either way, we expect the investor to contact us, not disappear.

In short, we offer the best industry-wide rates starting at 1% and going to as low as ½ of 1%, all transactions have an extra wire fee of $50 but no junk or add-on fees. Call for specifics on your transaction at 954-274-1003.